A customized program for people who are ready to cut through the confusion once and for all.
Zero in on what makes you unique - what makes you, you? This includes how you fit into the greater picture of humanity. What is your significance?
What assumptions are being made that become rules you operate from? These affect your perception, and thus, your choice making.
What are your priorities, based on what is unique or well suited for you?
What kind of choice paths unfold when you reason through the decision from the root, with understanding of what your TRUEST values and goals and priorities and nourishment needs are. They become limiting factors in your design of how to behave in the world during your lifetime. This is a good thing. This is how Life Paths and Purposes come to the surface.
Free Bonuses: to help you crystalize your CAREER JOURNEY moving forward, and to build everlasting BULLETPROOF CONFIDENCE
Develop a sustainable plan for continued personal and professional growth beyond the coaching program
Learn effective communication techniques and phrases to help navigate interactions and achieve their goals
Provide specialized support for clients with executive dysfunction on understanding their brain function, managing medication, and reducing friction points
Clarification on Skills: The most recent version contains details about how you can identify "culturally unnatural" or "off" material to make interactions feel more authentic and reasonable
I encourage you to take the journey upon yourself. You may prefer to be guided steadily down the path, someone who knows every nook and cranny of the process of methodically resetting the foundation of your psyche, I have made this very process the core of my Life Purpose, carefully documenting a comprehensive process from scratch, that can be universally applied, with customizations depending on the individual’s personality and character.
Tailored program for growth-seeking neurodivergent individuals.
Find clarity, discover purpose, and cultivate a life of joy.
About Your Practitioner
Informed by years of research on Psychology, Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, brainwave entrainment, and more. Have participated in EEG studies proctored by the Stanford Neuropsych Department.
Thoughtful teacher; firm but compassionate. Resolute. Unshakeable. Dependable.
Highly skillful communicator: flexible in style depending on who the audience is, maximizes understanding and retention, adept in analogies and symbolism, with a wide vocabulary and cultural literacy.
Strength in deep conversation and introspective exercises, self talk and framing.
Experienced with ADHD and neurodivergence, and systems to optimize life for them
Knows what it’s like to be where you are, and to have come through the other side
“Learn more” in cursive button takes you to “The Guide.” page which has the more in-depth info about me.
This is an assessment period for me to personally customize your experience. You will take 3 personality assessments so I can gauge the most effective forms of communication and teaching methods for you.
You’ll finish this knowing Who are you? How does your brain work? How do you fit into the greater context of humanity? What are your strengths? What lenses do you gaze through? What seems important to you? What has value?
We will explore the implications of what your significance may carry, and what that suggests you should spend your time and energy focusing on. Learn how the symbolic lenses you look through affect your judgement. Observe yourself closely and record insights. What were you made for?
A indomitable sense of purpose, and with it, newly regained confidence and peace.
cleanse and begin again
Drawing from information gathered in part I & II, we will identify what internal mental programs have been ingrained into your psyche’s operating system, so to speak. We will examine any assumptions to ensure that they are actually valid and not internalised from a place of fear or pain or anger. We will begin the deprogramming portion of the program where you will be shown how to interact with ideas in your mind without feeling like you are out of control or overwhelmed by a sea of thoughts. Guidance in meditation and mindfulness will be provided in this section. We will also discuss the process of experiencing consciousness at all, brainwaves, and health/nutrition.
Identify ingrained assumptions that affect your perspective, before clearing the slate of your mind to start anew - fresh and clean, and ready to receive intentional programming that serves you on an aligned path. Feel prepared to make fully conscious choices.
Practice navigating your thoughts and feelings by incorporating concepts such as non-attachment, stoicism and CBT.
Monitor and maintain your inner thoughts, reinforcing your new thought patterns. Complete worksheets and exercises with me, including art therapy. Create new habits.
A mind that is beginning to feel a bit quieter and less hectic. Clarity of thought. A sense of resiliency.
Workbooks, roleplaying, insights, gratitude, mindfulness about our connections with others and the world. Relationships analysis.
To feel confident and more connected and more able to advocate for yourself.
Improved emotional regulation and resilience.
Focus on developing emotional resilience, using tools and strategies to manage and express emotions constructively.
Enhanced social skills and stronger personal relationships.
Improve your social interactions through targeted communication strategies and exercises designed to enhance your social confidence and build meaningful connections.
Aligned personal and professional life.
Refine your career goals to align seamlessly with your personal purpose, exploring pathways that fulfill both your professional ambitions and personal needs.
A sustainable plan for continued growth and alignment.
Develop strategies to maintain and build upon the achievements from the past weeks, ensuring ongoing growth and alignment with your authentic self.
Embrace Your Journey
Find clarity, discover purpose, and cultivate a life of joy.
Tailored program for motivated growth-seeking individuals who are ready to discover their core purpose and path once and for all.
Ready to stop wasting your time, money and energy on surface level programs that won't last? BOOK A CALL now for the last program you'll ever need.